Two minor changes with this update have been made to the system. 1) There is now an option to display forms without a table and placing the field names in as place holders. This will make the form appear cleaner if you are optimizing the website for mobile access as well. There is now an option in the Site Config that will ...
With this update there are changes made the the resource list type page and well as the main index.php page itself. This update also requires updating one of the tables. Read more...
Resource Page/Update Modifications–v2.612-S
This is a minor modification, that will hopefully make a few things easier with resource pages and posting updates that are made with WSMS. Read more...
Security Enhancement Update – v2.610-S
Update v2.610-S brings with it a powerful security update feature to WSMS. If there is an attempted to log into an account more than 5 times, the account is locked and the IP address is now blocked. Read more...
DNSTCWSMS Major Version 2.601 Roles Out
With this new update, there were a lot of changes made to the photo management and photo pages. This was done to make things much easier to update your website. Some of these changes include a new drag/drop interface that is not reliant on Java, but uses JQuery to upload a massive amount of photos and resize them as they are being uploaded...
DNSTCWSMS is now 100% W3C XHTML and CSS Compliant
Through some diligent efforts of our development team, we now have 100% compliance on the WSMS coding engine. This also includes the meta tags used for Facebook and other social media sites. Read more...
DNSTC WSMS Version 2.7 Update Release
It has been almost a year before a major update has been released for WSMS, and this one was a little overdue. We made a few enhancements and a couple of bug fixes to the WSMS software to make it even better than before. The software has been operational for almost a year and has even made a server upgrade with no issues. We now ...